

Adel Amen Hama


Thyroidectomy is a common surgical procedure that has several potential complications or sequels including hemorrhage, vocal cord palsy, and laryngeal edema. Aim of study: To study the incidence of complication that occurs during induction, maintenance and recovery from subtotal thyroidectomy surgery. The current study began on November the 1st, 2021 till April the 17th, 2022 in Baghdad Teaching Hospital at the General and ENT surgical departments; it included 50 patients (45 females, and 5 males). Pre-operative Medical history and physical examination was practiced and recorded, all surgeries was performed under general anasthesia with endotracheal intubation, with continuous monitoring during and after surgery. According to their age the patients categorized into group of 20-29 years of age (16 patients, 32% of the total cases) 14 female 28%; 2 male patients 4%. Group of 30-39 years age (12 patients 24% of the total cases) female 10 patients 20%; male 2 patients 4%. Group of 40-49 years age (15 patients, 30% of the total cases) female 15 patients 30%; male 0. Group of 50-59 years of age (7 patients 14% of the total cases) female 6 patients 12%; male 1 patient 2%. According to the gender females was 45 patients (90%); while the males was 5 patients (10%). Total toxic goiter was 29 cases 58% and nontoxic goiter 21 cases 42%. The goiter was toxic in 25 female patients (50%) and in 4 male patients (8%). Nontoxic goiter in females 20 patients (40%) and in males 1 patient (2%). As expected this study concluded that thyroid diseases are more common in females than in males. Complications can be reduced by limiting the practicing of thyroid surgery to the surgeons specialized in thyroid surgery.

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