

104 patients. The participants were made up of 30 controls, patients with COVID-19 are, 37 severe patients, and 37 moderate patients (47 males and 57 females) with age range from (30 to 85) years, who were attending in Healing Specialist Center for Crisis in Medical City and Hospital Ibn AlKhatib. during the period from November 2021 to April 2022. in the study patients were divided into three groups based on the severity of their lung involvement as determined by their pulmonary computed tomography scores: severe, moderate, and control. The results showed that no significant Different between R1 and R2 with ( P = 0.58 ) in sever group ,but there was found a significant difference between R1 and R2 with (P = < 0.001 )in moderate group, while high significant different comparison of sever group and moderate group with control group (P = <0.001 ) sever group was the higher concentration in ferritin than moderate group and also than control group and moderate group was higher than control and LDH the results showed there was significant Difference between severe group R1 and R2 (P=<0.001)and in Moderate group R1 and R2 (P=<0.001) and these two group with control group (P=<0.001) sever group was the higher concentration in LDH than moderate group and also than control group and moderate group was higher than control , this results showed high elevated significant different in sever group between reading one and reading two( P=<0.001 )R1 was less than R2 while in moderate group R1 was higher than R2 (P=<0.001 ) Regarding pro BNP : showed no significance different between R1 and R2 in sever group ( P = 0.2) , as well as in moderate group no significant different between R1 and R2 (P=0.34) , but there was a high significant difference between studied groups, moderate group and sever group with (P= 0.004), additionally the both group comparison with control group showed highly significant difference at (P=<0.001) .The result showed highly significant difference between R1 and R2 with (P=<0.001), in sever group as well as highly significant difference between R1 and R2 (P=<0.001) in moderate group while no significant difference between R2 in sever group and R1 in moderate group at (P= 0.11) and there was high significant difference in comparison of these two groups with control group M±SD 0.01±0.004 with (P=<0.001) the higher level was in sever group. Regarding D. dimer: The results showed no significant different between R1 and R2 with (P= 0.67) in sever group, as well as no significant different between R1 and R2 (P= 0.47) in moderate this results showed significant elevated level between Moderate group and sever group at (P=<0.001), and this group showed high significant different comparison with control group at(P=<0.001). LDH, D. Dimer, troponin I, Ferritin, Pro BNP . In conclusion there was significant difference in the levels of biomarkers between patients and control, so covid 19 shows effect on normal range in each of (LDH, ferritin, D. dimer, Troponin I, pro BNP), and also in reading 1 and reading 2 in sever and moderate regarding (CRP, LDH, Troponin I, pro BNP) while there was significant difference between reading 1 and reading 2 in moderate group only regarding S. ferritin.

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