

Severe infection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently associated with long hospital stay and high mortality; COVID-19 infection has pneumonia as one of its symptoms but can quickly progress to acute renal complication. It is, therefore, justifiable to determine the level of some potential biomarkers that could help in, early, rapid and effective identification of severe cases. Among the biomarkers that could aid in early diagnosis of mild and severe COVID-19 infections include the serum urea & creatinine levels, as well as serum conjugated bilirubin level. These serum biomarkers, especially serum urea and creatinine levels, reflect the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which is a direct measure of kidneys function; hence, they could serve as early indicator renal complications during severe COVID-19 infection. Therefore, it is imperative to highlight the early monitoring of patients with AKI and carefully control kidney function during severe/acute coronavirus infection; impaired GFR should be monitored closely by clinicians in severe COVID19 patients.

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