This Mini-Review aims to look for the scientific basis of the newly observed phenomenon of autistic symptoms in IESE (Intensive Early Screen Exposure) children and the origin of the name Virtual Autism and the other effects of screen exposure on children. The overlap between classical Autism and virtual autism and the practical difficulty in implanting the off-screen test may be the cause of the rapid rise in Autism cases around the world these observations need solid community decision to support parents to live socially active lives with their children rather than leaving them to learn from the screens as the developing brain learns from the social interactions much more than learning from the screens. It is well known today that classical autism has mainly a genic origin and it’s a lifelong disability which is essentially different from what is seen in virtual autism cases which is reversible and if treated early the children will have a normal life and can go to ordinary schools without the need for special education. There are evolving evidence-based recommendations which is based on these research papers and people need to take action to save as many misdiagnosed autistic children as possible before their autistic symptoms become irreversible as their brains grow.
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Jaffar, Mustafa Fawzy and Mohammed, Lamia Yaqoub
"Mini-Review Virtual Autism in scientific literature and the difference from Classical Autism,"
Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences: Vol. 4:
2, Article 6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70492/2664-0554.1076